Looking for friends and possibly more!


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  • 45 yr Male
  • Enterprise, Alabama United States
  • Views: 1077

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Looking for friends and possibly more!


About Me

My name is Kris and I am looking to make friends and possibly more. I enjoy all kinds of music and enjoy singing as well. I love looking at the stars where I live. There is very little light pollution so you can see them very well. I enjoy learning about new cultures and getting to know new people.

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Long-term
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Some college
    Occupation: Hospitality

My Interests:

music, camping, fishing, books,

I am looking for

I want someone who I can be friends with initially and possibly have it grow into much more. I work in the hotel/hospitality industry and hopefully will be running my own hotel soon. I enjoy my job very much and meet a lot of interesting people.

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