Searching for true love


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  • 65 yr Male
  • New york United States
  • Views: 1138

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Searching for true love


About Me

I am romantic, as well as realistic and practical. I am looking for someone to settle down with. Experience new things with. Explore our options together. I love living out in the country. I love to snuggle up and just watch a movie. Not really into sports or that type of thing. I am pretty much a homebody, but do also like getting out. Love weekends at the coast. I love to read and putter around the house.

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Marriage
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Bachelors degree
    Occupation: Engineer

I am looking for

Looking for a down to earth man with a romantic side. Has his own and shared interests. Willing to commit. Hard working blue collar type. Who is reachable as well as available. Is open to love. A lady who actually likes to read and or just snuggle while we watch and pick apart hokey movies together.I like the shy and gentle type. I want a lady who wants to come home and just enjoy one another after a hard day. Someone who is wanting, and wants to be wanted in return. A lady who is willing to accept me as I am, imperfect. Who is willing to make an effort. A lady who is employed and has a good work ethic. Who is looking for someone to build a new life with. To settle down with. I want a man who is a little traditional and is comfortable with who he is. One who knows how to cook and enjoys it. Someone that I can talk with about everything and nothing. A humble lady with integrity. A gentle soul with a ready heart. A lady to share my heart and home with. A lady who is ready to move forward once she has found that connection. *** If you are this lady, are sincere And reasonably local, I would love to hear from you

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