looking for Kiwi man open for a serious relationship


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  • 36 yr Female
  • cebu Philippines
  • Views: 1147

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looking for Kiwi man open for a serious relationship


About Me

i'm from cebu, philippines. just joined this site. i'm a bit chubby and has a nice smile. want to find that special someone in my life. want to see my pic? ask me.

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Seeking: Marriage
    Ethnicity: Asian
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Bachelors degree
    Occupation: goverment

My Interests:

music, travel, hiking, garden,

I am looking for

looking for a serious Kiwi man open for a serious relationship leading to marriage. prefered age from 35-45 year difference. why a Kiwi? well, i had some close friends who married to Kiwi and their marriage is getting stronger. so that's it! i answered ur question. hehe! well, i'd like to meet someone who is kind, loving, sweet, honest, understanding and God-fearing.

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