seeking the path of true love


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  • 59 yr Male
  • Tulsa United States
  • Views: 1320

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seeking the path of true love


About Me

i am a God fearing and loving man and i enjoy attending church activities and involvement in church activities and put God first in whatever i do in life,i also enjoy some time out in my house to play around with my son and my dog lisa,i enjoy swimming, traveling, reading the book of God and evangelism to to win souls for the lord, i will be very much open to any question been ask so i await the special woman God bringing my way..

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Marriage
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Marital Status: Widowed
    Education: Masters degree
    Occupation: self employed

I am looking for

I'm looking for a serious relationship which will lead to marriage. Not looking for the perfect woman, just seek a partner with a good and big heart, I know I can't give her the world so I won't promise that, but I promise that for each and every new day we wake up to, I will always do everything in me to bring out the best in her, love her, cherish her and make her the happiest woman and I know that it's only natural for it all to be returned, I believe you in giving as much as you want to get, if you want affection, give affection, if you want peace, give peace, if you want care, give care, it all comes back to you. Life is easy for those who take it easy, we just have to live and learn through it.

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