Warm Smile. Warm Heart


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  • 52 yr Male
  • Miami United States
  • Views: 1682

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Warm Smile. Warm Heart


About Me

Every so often people say nice things about me to me and I am generally confused and flummoxed about how to respond in a way that isn't either boastful or self-effacing but also isn't awkward and weird for both of us. I know there have got to be classy ways to do this because its a normal part of life and it occurred to me that I haven't noticed anyone else handle it notably. How does that work?

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Long-term
    Ethnicity: European
  • Marital Status: Widowed
    Education: Prefer Not To Say
    Occupation: Engineering

I am looking for

I am looking for a good friend .

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