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  • 68 yr Male
  • texas United States
  • Views: 1218

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About Me

I know am me, i always present me self to be me, I do by best to be my self all the time, but with my dealings with people

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Marriage
    Ethnicity: Native-American
  • Marital Status: Divorced
    Education: Prefer Not To Say
    Occupation: Engineer

My Interests:

Traveling, Swimming, Fishing.,

I am looking for

I would like to meet a woman that is free spirited and in love with life so much that there is little room for excuses. A woman that honors her body and cherishes her soul to the point God appears to be a factor in her life. A woman that can laugh and love without fear of being judged in a way that makes her shine like a burning amber. A woman that realizes she is not perfect or without sin but insists on living life to the fullest all the while praising God. A woman that embodies her sexuality in such away it’s not cheap or easily obtained and is always present in her smile. A woman that can make a man whole without changing a thing in her life or his with just her very presents. That’s what I hope to find but until then I wait patiently the woman I am looking for.

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