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  • 33 yr Male
  • Lincoln United States
  • Views: 1005

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About Me

Hey there! My name is Paul, and I just graduated from Wesleyan in Lincoln with a degree in psychology and Japanese. I am going to attend law school at UNL with a full ride and plan on practicing international law. I am fairly committed to school and the idea of pursuing a healthy and stable career, but I do love to have some fun! In fact, I'm kind of hoping you like to do the same. I'll be honest here. I tend to tease and make a lot of jokes at the expense of others, so hopefully you know how to take some jokes.

In high school and university I played almost every sport under the sun, and I ran cross country in college for a year. Being physically active has always been part of my life and I would love to be around someone who shares those same interests. If you can go on a run or play basketball with me than you are all sorts of awesome in my book.

I remember being a young boy and my father would make me open the doors for the family and especially for my mother, perhaps because he was tired of doing it, but this sense of courtesy has certainly persisted throughout my life.if you don't like your doors being opened or your chair pulled out than you won't like what I have to offer.

I've been told I am and exceptional listener, especially in times where people need someone to confide in with their troubles. I am also very logical, as such I'm generally the go-to-guy for many of my friends who need a little help clearing the emotional fog and seeing clearly. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I am extremely good at making you smile; you just don't know it yet.

As for what I look, for me, the most important things are honestly a girl who is confident and intelligent. Someone who takes what they want and isn't scared to show interest. Someone who can take jokes about themselves and make ones about me. Other than that, they must be kind at heart and willing to pursue their dreams in life.

So that is me in a nutshell, now I want to know about you. もけろん、ζ—₯本θͺžγ‚‚話せる

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Dating
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: PhD / Post Doctoral
    Occupation: Law School Student

My Interests:

I am looking for

I am looking for a kind, smart girl who I can get to know. If it develops into more than that is great. If not, then I made a new friend and that is great too!

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