I am looking for a serious relationship..


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  • 43 yr Female
  • california United States
  • Views: 1314

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I am looking for a serious relationship..


About Me

I am an introvert, enjoy relaxing and taking out time to myself and reflect on life. Care for others as much as i do for myself and will go an extra mile for my loved others. Protective and love cooking even though i am not the best cook..

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Seeking: Long-term
    Ethnicity: Mixed-Race
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Bachelors degree
    Occupation: business owner

My Interests:

cooking, travelling, relaxing, swimming,

I am looking for

I hope to find a mature, loving, caring, funny, ambitious, understanding independent man who fully knows what he wants out of life and is seeking for a serious commited relationship. I need someone who will be there for me through the happiest and saddest times and who will forever be supportive and make life worth living..

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