looking for love


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  • 44 yr Male
  • saitama Japan
  • Views: 2033

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looking for love


About Me

lonely widower searching for an Asian female life partner . a full of energy, charming, loving, caring, faithful, gentle woman to share and enjoy life with .

dating, trips, company, conversation, intimacies, snuggling, massage, sightseeing, candle light romantic encounters of the special kind .

in other words a special companion to chase the loneliness away

send picture, e-mail, and phone number so we can get to know each other

I'm so excited to meet you !

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Long-term
    Ethnicity: Other-Ethnicity
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Masters degree
    Occupation: pianist

My Interests:

dancing and singing,

I am looking for

lonely widower searching for an Asian female life partner . a full of energy, charming, loving, caring, faithful, gentle woman to share and enjoy life with .

dating, trips, company, conversation, intimacies, snuggling, massage, sightseeing, candle light romantic encounters of the special kind .

in other words a special companion to chase the loneliness away

send picture, e-mail, and phone number so we can get to know each other

I'm so excited to meet you !

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