Single And Searching For Love


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  • 40 yr Female
  • Hereford United States
  • Views: 1445

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Single And Searching For Love


About Me

I'm a very down to earth person, I am strait forward and honest, I will speak my mind and deal with any conflict, But I am pretty good at delivering it very kindly, for the most part. I really do want to make the world around me a better place, But sometimes not really sure why that seems to be a crazy concept for so many people. I can deal with rude, hateful and condescending people, Just not in my life. I do stand up for myself and others who do not seem able to do so for themselves. It's just the right thing to do. I like to joke around and talk smack, but never to make people feel bad. I try to keep my life exciting while still being responsible. ;) I could be shy at times, And some how that seems to scare off some people, Why I don't know! I have a Big Heart and I'm very generous, and that is hard to find in some people these days too

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Seeking: Long-term
    Ethnicity: Mixed-Race
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Some college
    Occupation: Sales

My Interests:

I am looking for

I would like to meet someone who doesn't act like a freakin CYBORG! I like meeting people who are fun to be with, just to hang out and get to know one another over a good conversation because I believe that communication is very important in any relationship, whether it's friendship or more then that! I want to meet someone who isn't afraid of that, someone who is honest,caring, gentle,loving and kind!

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