looking for real love


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  • 45 yr Female
  • Homestead United States
  • Views: 3764

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looking for real love


About Me

I would have to say that I am attractive, confident, intelligent and independent, with a very nurturing side. I am loyal to friends and family and consider myself to be truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. I love to travel and meet new people, yet cherish my time at home. I have a great career and have an outgoing personality. I have had some very serious relationships over the years, but just have not met the right person yet. I firmly believe that everything in life is timing, so I remain hopeful in the search for my soul mate. Chemistry and a sense of humor is a must, as is spontaneity and a love of children. I also enjoy traveling and am a pretty down to earth lady, love to laugh and like to make people laugh

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Seeking: Marriage
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Some college
    Occupation: fashion

I am looking for

I'm looking for a caring man to be my friend and grow to share my life with. He must be fun-loving, enjoy the outdoors, intelligent, quick-witted and as passionate about life as he is for me.I love men who take care of themselves physically and emotionally. I don't want to limit my ideas here -- just let me know who you are and perhaps we can meet and see if destiny belongs to us. I am looking for someone who enjoys going traveling. I am a very affectionate and romantic person who loves to kiss

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