Serious About Working on a Serious Relationship!


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  • 71 yr Male
  • Cleveland United States
  • Views: 1864

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Serious About Working on a Serious Relationship!


About Me

I hope to meet someone with whom I can build a foundation with the potential of a serious relationship. If you are committed to marriage, homes, and family, keep reading! I am looking to meet someone who compromises and is willing to work with me to resolve disagreements rather than win arguments or conflicts within our relationship, because let’s face – no relationship is perfect! I am looking for that person to be someone who I can depend on to support me (not financially) and who is welcoming of my support in return. Someone who knows and believes in herself throughout life’s ups and downs, and is confident, able to socialize with lots of different people, and is not closed minded to other ethnic groups. I come from a diverse background and have friends from several different walks of life, so it’s important to me that the person I am with is comfortable with that. Honesty is also major for me - if you are not strong enough to do the right thing by telling the truth, please move on, especially if you are not strong enough to be honest with me. I’m interested in living, but also saving for the future -I can walk to the best shops and restaurants. I have traveled a LOT in my life and plan to travel a lot more. Look, I can live anywhere I want, Europe, Asia, the Americasbut, I always look forward to coming home. That in itself should speak volumes. If I want a dose of anything, one of the best airports in the world is only a few minutes away.

Love witty banteralmost as much as witless banter! I believe physical attraction and chemistry are important. Some of you may not agree (I can't imagine why). I am very youthful in appearance - can't help that, great genes. I am seeking the same in my partner.

I'm not a fan of drama or stress. But, I am a fan of kissinga lost art Geographical distance is not necessarily problematic for the right Person. I love to travel and would do so

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Marriage
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Marital Status: Divorced
    Education: Bachelors degree
    Occupation: self-employed

My Interests:

I am looking for

Not looking for perfect, just perfect for me. Looking for someone who wants to stand by my side while I stand by hers.

I am looking for someone who shares my desire to achieve high financial and career goals, so it’s important to me that my partner and I are able to manage money – if that’s not something you’re thinking about, than perhaps we are not a good fit. I also am ambitious and am looking for someone who values her career as well is supportive of mine – if that is you, sweet! However, if you are obnoxious/cocky – yeah, that’s not so great. I am looking for someone who takes care of herself, inside and out – I am not into any recreational drugs, so let’s just get that out of the way. While on the topic, any “recreational physical activity” outside of our committed relationship is not something I’m really look for. . . .I’m just saying! LOL And trust me, I know there is a fine line when it comes to flirting, I certainly am guilty of it at times, but if you are constantly flirting, I would definitely question your true intentions with me and the relationship. I hope that this is a good description of my potential match, someone who can be my partner in life, best friend, and who I can share myself with on all levels. I love to try new things and travel as well as share my culture and heritage. Oh and believe it or not You're not satisfied with what comes your wayyou make things come your way so that you can be satisfied that you did something to enhance your life.

You also understand that life has its ups and downs. There is no perfection. Our journey through life is much more important and exciting than any destination. It takes effort to make that journey worth taking.

Moneyit's not the be all or end all. It's just a tool. It makes life more comfortable..not better. Toys, treasures, and status are not goals. I know about the finer things in life, and I do enjoy thembut not ostentatiously.

I want someone genuine to share and enjoy life WITH, to spend time WITH and to love like no other. I am not going to settle for mediocrity and neither should you. Ohnot interested in "weekend" relationships:(.

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