I am looking for pen pals


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  • 65 yr Male
  • near San Francisco United States
  • Views: 4954

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I am looking for pen pals


About Me

It is challenging for me to share 30 adjectives describing myself without feeling boastful or proud. I believe that my friends would say that I am a Christ-follower who is: humble, compassionate, a good and faithful friend and husband, fun-loving, responsible, kind and patient. The best way to learn who a person is and what they are like, is by taking the time to communicate with them in person (the best way) or through a pen pal relationship. I sincerely hope that you will consider taking the time and making the effort to discover who I am, by communicating with me as a pen pal.

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Pen pals
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Marital Status: Married
    Education: Graduate degree
    Occupation: Teacher

I am looking for

I am looking for pen pals who are interested in making new friends, and in discovering the culture, spiritual beliefs and interests of others. Since, I am happily married and a faithful husband I am not interested in establishing a romantic relationship. I am very interested in learning about you and your culture. I believe that everyone is uniquely gifted and is able to make a significant contribution to the lives of others. I hope that you will consider sharing with me and will be interested in discovering what I may have to share with you.

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