looking for a good woman


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  • 62 yr Male
  • Canada
  • Views: 2865

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looking for a good woman


About Me

I'm direct,sincere,compassionate,and a good listener. I'm well mannered,talented,strong willed.I respect myself for who I am,and where I'm going in life.I am upfront,refined,and loyal as a friend.I'm sensitive , love nature, animals, children and our elders.Life is to short to lose focus of what we want,and how to keep it.I do not like loud showy macho women,and am not interested in casual dating or booty calls .If you are a professional kind woman who is polite,respectful, funny,and is seeking a long term relationship or searching for a soul mate .(Aren't we all ?).A person that is strong,caring,and family oriented. If you are successful , and are looking for someone to share life with then we may have that in common.I'm looking for a life partner not a weekly dating variety to suffice my desires .Yes I am looking for chemistry , but you must have the personality and communication to go with it . With all that said for now , Thank you for taking the time to view my profile.I'm an honest and fair gentleman who loves life to the hilt.I'm very understanding and passionate for the things about people and the things about life. I treat women with respect and dignity,like all men should.I get along with anyone no mater what their age maybe. I can go with the flow on almost anything that comes up or things to do. All I want is to have fun, live life,dance a little bit, eat out at some unearthed restaurants, go on some pretty neat vacations and just do the things that 2 people can share together and fun with one another. I eat a low carb diet and am very active for my age. I act about 10 yrs younger than my age and can handle myself quite well. I bike, dance, golf and I'm still playing softball. I love to ski and hike. I like to have a vacation and enjoy vacationing about anywhere,but the beach is still one of my favorites spots to be at. Give me some warm water and some soft, silky sand and I'm there all day long. I'm just a genuinely decent person looking for that same quality in a woman.If you like this profile so far with me, then let's get to know one another. I am a fun person to be around and I won't bore you. I love to cuddle by the fireplace and slowly and softly kiss my lady with passion and enjoy one another in each others arms

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Long-term
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Marital Status: Widowed
    Education: Bachelors degree
    Occupation: I am a mechanical and system engineering in the army, i serv

My Interests:

long term relationship,

I am looking for

All I want in a woman,is someone to love me as I love her. Nothing more, nothing less. I want to share my day, my job, my thoughts of the day, my moments of the day,with each other, and the hardships that we may endure and just to nurture each other in the time of need. I want someone to love me for me and I love you for being you. I think all our work around the house is 50/50 and that we just help each other with our lives until the end of time. Just simple and sweet things to live by. I will be romantic and respect your privacy when you need it. Love will be the glue to our happiness

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