looking for love


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  • 65 yr Male
  • zurich United States
  • Views: 5540

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looking for love


About Me

I'm very honest,I'm hard working person and quiet until you really get to know me. I tend to be too trusting and very sensitive so I am easily hurt. I'm very kind and loving loving and being loved back is the best thing in the world And I am very dedicated to those who are closest to me. I am passive and I generally do not like to lead but I am a loyal follower! I'm easy going and I avoid arguments and disagreements whenever possible. I am low maintenance and I am not afraid to get dirty.lol. I love to laugh, I am fun to be around and I am a great listener. I am humble, nonjudgmental and I like to be neat and organized.I learned a long time ago however that competition does not belong in relationships.I believe it is important to find common interests with one's partner I am by nature playful, I will tease gently unless asked not to or respond vigorously if encouraged.I am not interested in a vanilla, bland relationship,life is too short. I want that totally awesome fireworks display complete with "Grand Finale" I know it is possible and I know you are out there.

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Long-term
    Ethnicity: European
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Bachelors degree
    Occupation: construction

My Interests:


I am looking for

What I'm looking for in someone.A sense of humor is really important since I love to laugh. I am looking for someone who takes good care of themselves.Communication skills are important in any relationship.I need someone adventurous who is really to make their life what they want it to be, as opposed to someone who takesonly what they are given. I also am looking for someone who knows what they want and they aren't afraid of going after it.

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