Seeking a good heart


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  • 61 yr Male
  • Brisbane Australia
  • Views: 1873

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Seeking a good heart


About Me

Honest, sincere down to earth man living in Aust Broad minded with a quick wit and a good sense of humour.. A quiet but excitable nature.. I have been single a long time and like to ride my motorbike up to the mountains on weekends.. Would love to take you with me, or maybe get a 4x4 instead..Our lives are a constantly changing thing so always open to change.. I like to live a simple life and would like to find a quiet, simple Japanese lady to chat with and maybe build a future with

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Marriage
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Marital Status: Divorced
    Education: High school
    Occupation: Earthworks and construction

I am looking for

A nice Japanese lady with a good heart..Broad minded and fun, but not loud or extroverted.. I don,t have any fat on my body, so Im looking for someone petit please Someone who has a point of view on most things but isn,t fanatical about anything.. Caring, understanding, sympathetic All the things a good partner should be And if you enjoy cuddles on the lounge while watching a movie, thats something we have in common already :)

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