Seeking True Love


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  • 64 yr Male
  • Toledo United States
  • Views: 1937

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Seeking True Love


About Me

I'm an easy going man with lots of respect for women because I know what importance they play in our lifes either as a mother or as a wife. I'm kind, caring, fun-loving and romantic guy that loves getting to know lots of new people. I enjoy going to the pub with friends, meals out, cinema, theatre, walks along the beach, cycling and playing/watching different sports.

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Marriage
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Marital Status: Widowed
    Education: Bachelors degree
    Occupation: Minister

My Interests:


I am looking for

I'm looking for woman with a good sense of humor who is caring, confident,can laugh at a situation or herself, positive attitude (must view the glass as half full), can admire me for my mind and personality, self sufficient, has integrity, intelligence, trustworthy and young in spirit. Has good character,drug-free, responsible, keeps her word and knows how to have fun. Someone who appreciates the journey as much as the destination, who looks for new experiences,savors a good conversation, enjoys exchange of ideas, sometimes even spirited ones, has a love of life and wants to live it to the fullest. One who is secure enough not to need a pencil thin man.Someone who has her own interests. Someone with whom I can share my interests as well as enjoy her's to broaden both our horizons. I am looking for someone I can enjoy growing old with. Friendship first, get to know each other and let the rest take care of itself. The real work of a relationship is to first become a worthy friend. Best case scenario, the sparks will fly; worst case, you will have gained a good and loyal friend.

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