know me more..


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  • 34 yr Female
  • Pasig Philippines
  • Views: 7972

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know me more..


About Me

``i am christine, they call me tin2x

``` i have my goals and priorities and does these things at the right time.

```i am complicated and wild.

```im a war and cyber freak.

```i am one with the nature.

```i love talking but knows when to be silent.

```i love criticisms as much you people do.

```im sensitive and knows how to deal to a particular situation and with different people.

``` i am a happy person.

```i do enjoy every single moment of my life.

```i love, care and really treasure my friends.

```im a good observer.

```i admire simple, ordinary people.

```i have a demonic mind but a good heart.

```i constantly change for the better shen

```i learn from my mistakes every now and then.

```i'm experimental, frank and impatient.

```i'm happy with what i have and what i am now.

. ```i love my family, my friends for they are my source of life.

```i love myself!!

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Ethnicity: Asian
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: High school
    Occupation: sales consultant

I am looking for

→i want to meet different kinds of people with different traits, attitudes and beliefs in life .. but most of all, im looking forward to meet a particular guy whom i can be with for another chapter of my love novel ..

→a guy with meaningful and interesting aims in life →a companion more than a lover who can make me smile at all times, someone ill never get bored with →a guy who can always understand indifferences between us and who can inspire me to improve the worst in mE →a guy who can accept MY WHOLE ME and who never failed to trust my capabilities →a guy who always care and sweetly visit me a simple HI or HELLO each day .. →a guy with more interesting or fun story rather than nonstop romance →a guy who just understand and never argue with me to avoid serious fights →a guy who can be proud to tell the whole world that he owns me →a guy who can simply comfort me on my worst tantrum →a guy who always surprise me and exert effort to impress me →a guy who never get shy to share the worstest part of his life →a guy who used to be my hero when im in trouble, i mean someone who can protect and defend me against harm →a guy who never leave me alone and unsafe →a guy who can swiftly be there in just one call or text in times that i needed him most →a guy who stands as friend more than acting like a paranoid boyfriend →a guy who can make me miss and long for him every hour of my day →a guy who treats me ordinary but makes me feel so special →a guy who never run out of sense →a guy who can never make me find another one, that he can make me so much contented with him, that i will be faithfully in love with him →a guy who can melt my hard heart to fall in love again →and i hope that guy is already YOU ..

I wish i would be safe, that i would never feel the same pain and heartache again ..

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