Good life is all about happiness


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  • 57 yr Male
  • buffalo United States
  • Views: 571

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Good life is all about happiness


About Me

My name are Dr, Francis .S. Greg. Canadian/America. 53 years old, divorced and ready to start up life. I am very honest and sincere in nature, very open and always go straight to what I want without delay. I do easily trust and fall in love. I am outgoing type when time is permitted. I so much believe that no one is perfect except God.I love soccer sport, morning jogging and so other physical fitness. I believe with love the world could be a better place to live. I give respect to whom it deserve. Very caring and loving man, life is all about being happy. You will know better when you come in contact with my eyes.

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Marriage
    Ethnicity: Native-American
  • Marital Status: Divorced
    Education: Prefer Not To Say
    Occupation: Doctore

I am looking for

I am looking for faithful woman with a very good heart, so caring, loving and respect. She have to be outgoing type because I am, my woman have to cook Delicious and look smart all the time. You have to be honest and truthful because it gives me joys. Looking beautiful is good but good heart is better than good look.

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