i am looking for a lifetime partner


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  • 44 yr Female
  • dipolog city Philippines
  • Views: 1417

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i am looking for a lifetime partner


About Me

i am looking for a man who would like to join me as a lifetime partner..a man that would like to live with me for the rest of his life.a man that like to stay on my side for good times and bad times and for him family is very important.a man that like to kiss me every morning i wake up.a man that like to give his all love on me as i do to him.i would like to have a husband that is understanding and loyal to our marriage. i am not looking for a perfect man here..what i want is a man that can make me happy and ready to give his all heart and attention in our marriage.

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Seeking: Long-term
    Ethnicity: Asian
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Some college
    Occupation: salesclerk

My Interests:

nature, family, gardening,

I am looking for

i am looking for a man who would like to join me as a lifetime partner..a man that would like to live with me for the rest of his life.a man that like to stay on my side for good times and bad times and for him family is very important.a man that like to kiss me every morning i wake up.a man that like to give his all love on me as i do to him.i would like to have a husband that is understanding and loyal to our marriage. i am not looking for a perfect man here..what i want is a man that can make me happy and ready to give his all heart and attention in our marriage.

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