looking for my one and only


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  • 56 yr Male
  • roseburg United States
  • Views: 1075

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looking for my one and only


About Me

honest, romantic, run to be around, like the out doors, camping, fishing, seeing new sites, going to the ocean and walk on the beach, sitting under the stars, a hopeless romantic, love to cuddle kiss and be close

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Marriage
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Some college

My Interests:

sports, outdoors, romance,

I am looking for

I am looking for true love that one person that I cant live with out, that one that is in my mind all day, that one that I want to kiss every minute of every day, to grow old with and still see beauty in her eyes, I live in the us on the west coast, a little town called riddle, in the state of Oregon, my mail is 2658 cayonville riddle rd riddle Oregon 97469, my email [email protected]

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