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  • 41 yr Female
  • new york United States
  • Views: 1406

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About Me

I'm a very genuine and loving woman. The most important aspects of my life - knowing serenity, acceptance, forgiveness. Living my truth sets me free and creates a great example for the children and grand children. For me, life abounds with pleasures and challenges and WHEN I allow all to flow, accepting everything as it unfolds, it reads like a pleasant story. I treasure the unpredictable, raw human experiences in daily life and relish in the magic, mystery, and miracles that arise thereafter. I like it when things are uncomplicated .

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Seeking: Dating
    Ethnicity: Native-American
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Some college
    Occupation: cashier

I am looking for

My search is for someone who is very vital, with an active imagination and a natural curiosity. He is very kind, with a generous heart and a wise soul. Laughing and even being silly come easily for him. He has a sweet, pure heart. He has loving, successful relationships, with few or no regrets from the past - especially no angers.

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