honest relationship


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  • 54 yr Male
  • ELIZABETH United States
  • Views: 1221

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honest relationship


About Me

I'm fortunate to come from a small and close-knit group of family and friends who has influenced my beliefs in compassion, respect and integrity. Having established a career I'm now focused on more important things - love and family! I'm vibrant and caring and affectionate. I’d like to find someone who appreciates that. I haven't traveled as much as I thought I would've by this stage. I’d like someone willing to explore with me. I'm looking for someone loyal and honest who is willing to make time for a relationship

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Marriage
    Ethnicity: Native-American
  • Marital Status: Divorced
    Education: Associates degree
    Occupation: staff

My Interests:


I am looking for

My desire woman who will be as simple as me, who will understand me an who will be my best friend first of all, protector, my support, my everything. she should love me, and always be honest as i hate lies and also i do not like conflicts. Life is short and we should laugh more and always avoid quarrels.I need a woman who will make me feel a real man

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