Nice simple romantic


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  • 65 yr Male
  • keys United States
  • Views: 915

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Nice simple romantic


About Me

Am a nice Man,simple romantic and well behaved. I could turn you on withing a sec if am attracted to you. I like to meet a nice Woman to share my thoughts and happiness. A Woman with sincerity and strong affection. You can write me instead of winking and i'll respond

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Long-term
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Marital Status: Widowed
    Education: Prefer Not To Say
    Occupation: self-Emplyed

I am looking for

would like a Woman with a simple understanding and a big heart. A Woman who recognizes true love. I am a very independent person, I have to work hard and rely on myself, both financially and emotionally. I want someone who wants to be the head but not the boss, more of a partner. I don't like to be sad or constantly arguing and I would expect the same from my partner. There is always give and take but I don't want to be the only one doing all the taking. Women are wonderful in general so I just want a real woman.

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