seeking for love


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  • 43 yr Female
  • AIRVILLE United States
  • Views: 915

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seeking for love


About Me

Too much or not enough? The “about me” section with some people can be a few shorts blurbs or a mini novel like I tend to do. So, I try to present myself in a manner that sparks interest, but leaves enough to reel in your curiosity. The work shouldn’t only lie upon one person. I’ve really been growing as a person. Essentially hitting the reset button. I’ve been through more than you would expect for someone my age on top of I don’t look my age. I’m not much of baseball fan, but life really has thrown its fair share of curve balls. I can be fun, enlightening, outgoing, everything you could hope for, but people before turned me into “damaged goods”. Damaged doesn’t have to mean crazy, nutcase, undesirable, it simply means that too many people took advantage of a good soul. People mistook kindness for weakness. You warming up yet or stunned from the honest truth? I don’t beat around the bush or sugar coat, because I don’t want to get hurt anymore. If you are warded off by this first paragraph alone then DO NOT waste your time with me.

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Seeking: Marriage
    Ethnicity: Hispanic
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Bachelors degree
    Occupation: self employed

My Interests:

in long term relationship,

I am looking for

I am passionate about art, justice, music, emotion, culture, honesty, and dreams. I am loyal and trusting, often to a fault. I believe in doing the right thing, and following your heart. I'm usually in a good mood, but when I'm in a great mood, I walk around humming Christmas music or Sinatra tunes; it's totally unconscious.

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