

contact details


  • 49 yr Male
  • St Louis United States
  • Views: 1121

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About Me

nice cool, and should be good, it's nice to know it. it's nice just saying though

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Ethnicity: Other-Ethnicity
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Bachelors degree

My Interests:

Understanding, respectful,

I am looking for

Simple things give me the most pleasure. I like picnics under shady trees on warm days with cool breezes, finding a good deal on something at the antique store , the feelings I get watching the setting sun paint the sky, and sitting or walking on the beach listening to the tides rolling up and back, up and back.While pushing the envelope occasionally is necessary ;), 7 hours of sleep, French Roast or Sumatra coffee in the morningand a good long walk or hike are a few of the little things that make me feel happy.

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