I'm looking for people to talk with.


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  • 30 yr Male
  • St. Louis United States
  • Views: 1693

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I'm looking for people to talk with.


About Me

People say that I'm a very nice person who would go out of my way to help people. I'm very serious sometimes but will usually be funny, cracking jokes. I refuse to give up on anything and I'm a person who keeps their word. I'm a very supportive friend and care about those who are close to me.

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Talk/E-mail
    Ethnicity: European
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Some university
    Occupation: Majoring in both Biology and Computer Science

I am looking for

I'm looking for people who're honest and accepting of themselves and others. I dislike liars, people who're verbally abusive not to mention just hostile. I like learning new things, I like knowing more about cultures. I aspire to be a penetrations tester. I'm looking for anyone who'd like to talk, I'm more than happy to talk to many people.

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