I want a special friend


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  • 51 yr Male
  • Himeji United States
  • Views: 1765

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I want a special friend


About Me

Some friendly and forward women say I'm handsome. I'm easygoing, loving, well co-ordinated, kind, considerate and respectful. I have blue eyes and brown hair. I'm clean and tidy. I generally make a good impression on people.

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Hang Out
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Marital Status: Married
    Education: Bachelors degree
    Occupation: Teacher

My Interests:

Reading, Exercise, Movies, Music, Philosophy,

I am looking for

Someone who is clean, mature, fun-loving and a free spirit. Because I'm married, maybe a married woman would suit me as a good friend(?).

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