hello toall


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  • 41 yr Female
  • San Antonio United States
  • Views: 3545

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hello toall


About Me

I am a dreamer, and I am a believer. I dream of true love and believe I will encounter it. I am submissive, caring, loving and very accommodating. I believe my place in this world to be the keeper of a wonderful and happy home, and provide the man of my dreams with absolute fulfillment and happiness in each and every facet of his life.

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Seeking: Long-term
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Masters degree
    Occupation: banking

My Interests:


I am looking for

Forget about ideal relationship! I`m looking for A REAL AND AUTHENTIC ONE!!! With all joys and sorrows, with pleasant moments and moments when there are tears in the eyes, with romantic evenings and quarrels when even the neighbors are concerned. Yes, I want all of that, because it's real! I want to meet you every evening from work, to have quiet family evenings. Sounds trite, but that is what makes normal people happy. I don`t need some imaginary superhero, who'll have just a perfect cover and nothing else? I believe in love, trust, respect and understanding. I hope, that God will help us to acquire all that.

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