Looking a good friend


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  • 43 yr Female
  • Dhaka Bangladesh
  • Views: 6482

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Looking a good friend


About Me

I am social worker and wish serve the poor community. So any who wish to make friendship email to me in the above address

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Seeking: Pen pals
    Ethnicity: Asian
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Prefer Not To Say
    Occupation: Social work for the poor communuty

My Interests:

To make friendship,

I am looking for

I am Miss Munny Barua 24 years old completed gratudationand working for poor people in our country and wish to travel with friend europe canada and U.S.A with friend. So I am seriously looking kindest friend soon

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  • Naran

    hello can you be my good heartly friend please ? if u like or interested for any other relation ? my email is ~~~``` [email protected]

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