Looking For Love


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  • 44 yr Female
  • Woodstock United States
  • Views: 4645

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Looking For Love


About Me

I am single,I am looking for a man that is not into head games, that is Intelligent, attractive, good sense of humor, down to earth, very ambitious and easy going. I enjoy travel, Great personality with a heart to boot. Not just another pretty face. I have a tremendous amount of depth, insight, faith Simple & good lady looking for a loving romantic sincere and honest man

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Seeking: Long-term
    Ethnicity: Hispanic
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Some college
    Occupation: Sales

My Interests:

Reading, Travelling, Shoping,

I am looking for

I seek to make new acquaintances and develop enduring intimate associations. Attractions and romantic chemistry passes and fades away as quickly as they appear so what i seek for is that which is realistic and enduring No one enjoys the disappointments and insincerity that comes with romance and relationships enough to wait in line for them and the society at large is sick enough i know. nevertheless enduring relationships do happen and can be cultivated so also simple conversations like "hello","hi there" or "greetings" Am just a simple regular lady that is looking to meet a decent and responsible man that i can devote my free time to,share love, laugh and life with;get to know better and possibly start a new life with together if things work out fine

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  • Naran

    hello can you be my good heartly friend please ? if u like or interested for any other relation ? my email is ~~~``` [email protected]

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