looking for love


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  • 73 yr Male
  • Buffalo United States
  • Views: 2606

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looking for love


About Me

i am a very simple person ..with great sense of humor and i am very calm conservative and funny..and always want people around me to feel good and laugh.. I enjoy reading,movies,music,snooker,beach and many more i am really simple.Am such a caring,loving,honest,sensitive,reliable and has a good sense of humor. I'm rather calm and quiet and also romantic.I like to take part in christian activities together with others..i search for a good wife.i do not care about physique ..i care much about love and soul mate

  • I am Seeking a: Woman
    Seeking: Long-term
    Ethnicity: Native-American
  • Marital Status: Widowed
    Education: Masters degree
    Occupation: Doctor

My Interests:

traveling music reading,

I am looking for

I want to meet someone who is Loving,faithful,kind,understanding,caring .. someone who Want me to just what in the am and pray with me for the rest of my life if we are a good match Someone to love and love me back.All to say that am looking for a Honest,Kind,Loyal,Faithful and easy going woman with a good sense of humor. More than anything I am looking for someone who's ready to start a new relationship after we get to know each other, I would love to find what interest you the most so we can build around that. Remember Life is too short to be spent alone. And we are both too young to be alone.I like to treat women with respect and dignity and I expect the same in return.

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