Everything we do has a goal


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  • 53 yr Female
  • Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
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Everything we do has a goal


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I'm a good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute and i may not seem such a good friend after telling.By the way i'm a friend is someone who understands your past, believe in your future and accepts you just the way you are.Give you a story :- One day, a blind man with his guide dog across the street when a truck lost control, ran headlong, blind people were killed on the spot, and his guide dog to guard the master, with the tragic death under the wheels. Owner and the dog went to heaven in front They stopped by an angel, embarrassed and said: "I'm sorry, now only a quota of heaven, the two of you must have a go to hell." Host one, quickly asked: "My dogs do not know what paradise is, what the hell, can not allow me to decide who goes to heaven?" Angel looked contemptuously as the owner, frowned, she thought, said: "I'm sorry, sir, every soul is equal, you race to decide who to pass to heaven." Master disappointment to ask: "Oh, what game?" Angel said: "This game is very simple race, from here go to the door of heaven, to reach the destination, and anyone can go to heaven. However, you do not worry, because you are dead, so is no longer blind, and the speed of the soul has nothing to do with the body, the more good people simply faster. " The master thought, agreed. Angel so that the owner and the dog ready to announce running start. She fully expected the owner to go to heaven, will do everything forward Ben, who knows the master is not busy, walked slowly.What is more angel surprise, the piece of guide dogs do not run it with the owner of the pace slowly along in the next step refused to leave the host. Angel suddenly realized: the original, this guide dogs over the years has developed a habit, always follow the master action in the owner's front guard him. Hateful owner, took advantage of this, only a sure and certain to win, as long as the gates of heaven, he called his dog to stop on it. Angel looked at the loyalty of the dog, felt very sad, she cried to the dog, said: "You have the main people lost their lives, and now you are no longer the master of the blind, you would not have led him to walk You Run into the paradise it! " However, both the owner or his dog, have not heard such words of the angel, still slowly to move forward, it seems like a walk in the street. Sure enough, there are a few steps away from the end of the time, the master uttered a password, obedient dog sat down, and day and looked at the use contempt masters.At this point, the owner smiled, he looked away to the angels: "I finally sent my dog heaven, and I am most worried about is that it does not want to go to heaven, just with me so I was trying to help It decided to ask you to take care of it. "Angel in amazement. Master bear to watch as his dog, said: "able to decide the game is really great, as long as I let it go forward a few steps, it can be to heaven. But it accompanied me for so many years, this is the first time I can watch it with their own eyes, I could not help but want to slowly, to look at it for a while. If so, I wish I never watched it go on. However, to heaven, then where is it to go, please take good care of it. " That said, the master sent to the dog forward command, the dog reaches the finish line in the moment, like a feathery down the owner to the direction of hell. He's a dog, quickly turned away, chase master bolted. Angel wings, full of regret chasing the past, want to grab a guide dog, but that is the world's most pure and good soul, a lot faster than almost all the angels heaven. So, any connection with the master guide dogs together, even in hell, guide dogs are also always be there for its owner. Angel stood a long time, murmured: "I started wrong, these two souls are one, they can not be separated " Finally, I say: this world, there is only one truth, but in the eyes of different people, they will see different merits. Why is this? In fact, the reason is very simple, because everyone looking at things, can not stand absolutely objective and fair position, but more or less wear tinted glasses, with their own experiences, likes and dislikes, and Moral standards to judge, the result is - we see the illusion "Friendship, happiness is one of the know to whom you can pour out the secret. If you have received this letter because it was in the silent blessing you because you love some people around you. If you always say too busy, can not forward this letter out saying that: "another day re-sent." You will never do this So, do not look for excuses, meditative look at this ancient India to the story, and then decide for your friends to make something, send this letter from the mass start. When you say: "You are my good friends", please say so seriously. When you apologize when you look at each others eyes. Never laugh at anyone's dream. Do not give one qualitative. Speak slowly, thinking fast when. Call when you smile, the other side must feel. You see that? I silently bless you. *^_^

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Ethnicity: Asian
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Some college
    Occupation: Designer Artist

I am looking for

Wisdom, compassion and courage are the three universally recongnized moral qualities of men.The truly meek person is trusting confident and secure,honesty makes growth possible.He must holds faithfulness, royalty and sincerity as first principles to the family.Self respect is the cornerstone of all virtue.(smile) and thank you very much whoever stop by here to view my profile and i do appreciate.

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