look for serious relationship


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  • 55 yr Female
  • Jinghai China
  • Views: 9472

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look for serious relationship


About Me

I am an Asian lady with traditional values , honest,loyal ,kind ,passionate , romantic,diligent and intelligent .

I graduated from universities with two degrees: English Education and Journalism . Used to work as a teacher and marketing manager . I am curious and good at learning , enjoying being a life-long learner.

I like to explore different places and culture , have some knowledge of western culture and ready to be a part of it.

Advocate healthy lifestyel ,like both outdoor sports and indoor activities .But I am not a person who likes to spend much time at the bars. I am neither a drinker nor a smoker , hate drugs , gambling , overconsuming ......etc any bad habits .

I value the family and care for all its members . I am a family oriented woman ,like to share the time with families especially with my lifemate . What does home mean ? I think it should be a place where your lifemate stays . The house that is full of love can be called home .Otherwise , it is only a house ,not a home .

I am not interested in an extravagant or luxurious lifestyle . Always try to look for pleasures from simple things , like : fresh air , hand by hand walking or shopping , cooking at home or eating ourside or cuddling on the couch while watching TV with someone special ..... sth like this , I've already been satisfied .

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Seeking: Long-term
    Ethnicity: Asian
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Graduate degree
    Occupation: teacher , manager

My Interests:

I am looking for

I am looking for the serious relationship . Those who play games or liars , or ask for money ,pls don't bother contacting me , I beg u not to waste your time and mine . I am afraid of being hurt .

For my future honey , I hope he is a well-educated , easy-going ,diligent and intelligent gentleman, a man who is interested in all the good things life has to offer , a man who has sense of humour and knows how to enjoy life .

I look forward to hearing from you. I will be happy to answer any question you might have for me.

Let's begin with messages or emails , and then by messenger with cam , OK?

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