hi the only thing i am looking f..


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  • 49 yr Female
  • Los Angeles United States
  • Views: 4489

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hi the only thing i am looking f..


About Me

hi the only thing i am looking for is to have some fun...this will include having a drink or two, some laughs and maybe, just maybe, me spanking your ass, or maybe i will let you spank mine...if you deserve it...lets play master and servant...are you ready to serve and love every minute of it....no ungroomed men please,,,i do not like hairballs..... "Love me for my mind and not my body play with my body and not my mind"

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Seeking: Hang Out
    Ethnicity: Asian
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Prefer Not To Say

My Interests:

having fun,

I am looking for

As time goes by, I gradually find I am eager to have love, a harbor where I can avoid loneness and a home which is filled with happiness. I am willing to share happpiness and sadness with my future husband. Let's care, understand and cherish each other. Spend the whole life together with true heart...

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