Looking for a Guy who can stand out above from the rest


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  • 40 yr Female
  • Quezon City Philippines
  • Views: 1145

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Looking for a Guy who can stand out above from the rest


About Me

that I am strong but i should have someone to be with me

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Seeking: Long-term
    Ethnicity: Asian
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Prefer Not To Say
    Occupation: ask me about it

My Interests:


I am looking for

Looking for a Guy who can stand out above from the rest and who can never feel obligated to compete with me in achieving goals in life.

Somebody unique who will and can stand for the right things regardless of what the majority are thinking/doing for that matter. Somebody who is not insecure and well mannered.Sweet , romantic , flexible , non jealous type, never insecure and independent type with the right skills to compliment me in some areas that I really need some/few/many improvement/s. A good motivator and a self-motivated person who can be very good in team work/s but can also work alone all by himself (a self starter) when situation calls for it. Someone not afraid to express himself and bold enough to admit defeat and/or accept failure/s in life. Someone who is not perfect but has no problems in admitting being wrong when he is indeed wrong. Someone who can be relied on and responsible enough to be called a real man who can stand on what he wanted to become. Someone who is willing to work on his personal goals and willing to improve himself everyday to be a better person. Someone open for change to make things work without being overwhelmed in the process of doing it.

A family oriented type of person who knows what to do when the rest doesn't know how to handle things. A great listener and a best friend material who has great patience on kids and has the willingness to prioritize family over anything else less important.

Mos of all, the non negotiable : Bible believer. Christian. Knows God and Believes God at the same time. A man of integrity. ;)

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