I am seeking a caring, understanding and honest man


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  • 48 yr Female
  • perth Australia
  • Views: 2060

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I am seeking a caring, understanding and honest man


About Me

I am a very family-oriented, romantic, interesting and open-minded lady. I like my life because I live in a harmony. I like meeting new people and getting to know something new every single day. Also I'm reliable, intelligent and well mannered I love children and I can love yours children as my own.

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Seeking: Activity Partner
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: Some college
    Occupation: Fashion desinger

I am looking for

I would like him to be strong, brave, volitional, successful but at the same time gentle, caring, with a good sense of humor. I imagine my beloved man will share my love to life and family values.

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