Seeking a man


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  • 65 yr Female
  • Prague Czech
  • Views: 9237

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Seeking a man


About Me

Hello. Find the tall, slim guy / age 55-65 /, who would marry a woman Russian woman who is all alone in Russia, but has friends in Prague and there's Prague is very fond of? Lenka, age 51, 175, 56, is a pretty and slender. My mother died and for whom I do not have to live. I am divorced, living alone for 15 years. But now that loneliness is really terrible. Skvely Czech, minimum stress.

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Seeking: Long-term
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Marital Status: Divorced
    Education: High school

My Interests:

I am looking for

Ahoj. Najde se vysoky, stihly sympatak / vek 55-65 /,ktery by si vzal za zenu ruskou pani, ktera je v Rusku uplne sama ale v Praze ma pratele a taky tu Prahu ma strasne rada? Lenka, vek 51, 175, 56, jeste hezka a stihla. Zemrela mi maminka a nemam pro koho zit. Jsem rozvedena, ziji sama jiz 15 let. Ale ted ta samota je opravdu hrozna. Skvela cestina, minimalni prizvuk. Da se to snadno zjistit.

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