I am a lady seeking for love and happiness


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  • 36 yr Female
  • Daly City Mexico
  • Views: 4417

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I am a lady seeking for love and happiness


About Me


I wish to use this medium to intimate you on how much I care for all of you here.I am Leena Steven, I am an African, but an orgin of sierria leone also in africa. I am 21 years of age this year, and a good christian, 1.7m tall, presently I am living in Abidjan/ Cote d'Ivoire, west Africa. My hobbies are swimming, travelling, watching movies,concert. I am loving and understanding. I am a nice person,romantic and loyal, God fearing person, easy going woman sincere with myself, humourus, sensitive, caring, faithful and friendly, serious person. Please you are free to ask any question. Remain bless,

Leena Steven.

  • I am Seeking a: Man
    Seeking: Dating
    Ethnicity: Native-American
  • Marital Status: Single
    Education: High school
    Occupation: I am a lady seeking for love

I am looking for

I care for people and also like person of the same understanding like me. He must be honest someone and ready to care for me and also take me as his sweet heart. In terms of social life he should not be a drug addictor of any kind and he should ready to serve God with God fearing mind.

about his education. colur and tribe i may not care for that but need a full understanding human being with trust.

Thanks. Leena Steven

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